Rabu, 13 Maret 2019

The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary Eerdmans Critical Commentary edition by Samuel Terrien Religion Spirituality eBooks Kostenlose Bücher online zu lesen JXV

The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary Eerdmans Critical Commentary edition by Samuel Terrien Religion Spirituality eBooks Kostenloser PDF Reader QJJ

The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary Eerdmans Critical Commentary edition by Samuel Terrien Religion Spirituality eBooks Kostenloser PDF Reader The%20Psalms%20Strophic%20Structure%20and%20Theological%20Commentary%20Eerdmans%20Critical%20Commentary%20%20edition%20by%20Samuel%20Terrien%20Religion%20Spirituality%20eBooks


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  • In this monumental work, his most ambitious undertaking, the late Samuel Terrien brings together a lifetime of scholarship on Psalms, long the wellspring of Jewish spirituality as well as the main hymnal of the Christian church.

    The book's insightful and clearly written introduction treats such subjects as the longevity and ecumenicity of the psalms, their Near Eastern background, the Hebrew text and ancient versions, their music, their strophic structure, their literary genre, their theology, and their relation to the New Testament. In the commentary itself Terrien freshly elucidates the theological significance of these collected poems by putting readers in touch with the formal versatility and religious passion of the psalmists themselves. While Terrien always engages in scientific exegesis before drawing theological conclusions, he is careful to allow full expression to the theological and, especially, the doxological voice of these unmatched spiritual songs. The result is a commentary that provides a link between the archaic language of Psalms and the intellectual demands of modern thinking and spirituality.

    Throughout his exposition Terrien shows great respect for the scribal testimony of the Jewish tradition, especially the consonants of the Masoretic text. He likewise displays great care in finding the most accurate meaning for Hebrew words of obscure origin. This meticulous work renders a translation of Psalms more reliable than those of Terrien's predecessors. He also draws on many fruitful gains of structural analysis in discerning the strophic divisions within the Hebrew text. Often he finds unity of composition where earlier critics denied it. And for readers interested in specific aspects of translation and interpretation, Terrien has appended bibliographical lists of modern works on each psalm.
    ebook,Samuel Terrien,The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary),Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing,Bible readings, selections meditations,Biblical Commentary - Old Testament,Biblical concordances commentaries,Christianity Bibles Liturgy,Hebrew language,Hebrew poetry, Biblical,History and criticism,Metrics and rhythmics,Old Testament,Religion,Religion - Commentaries / Reference,Religion / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament,Religion / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament,Biblical Commentary - Old Testament,Religion - Commentaries / Reference,Bible,Commentaries,Hebrew language,Hebrew poetry, Biblical,History and criticism,Metrics and rhythmics,O.T,Psalms,Religion,Christianity Bibles Liturgy,Bible readings, selections meditations,Biblical concordances commentaries,Old Testament

    The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary Eerdmans Critical Commentary edition by Samuel Terrien Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :

    In this monumental work, his most ambitious undertaking, the late Samuel Terrien brings together a lifetime of scholarship on Psalms, long the wellspring of Jewish spirituality as well as the main hymnal of the Christian church.

    The book's insightful and clearly written introduction treats such subjects as the longevity and ecumenicity of the psalms, their Near Eastern background, the Hebrew text and ancient versions, their music, their strophic structure, their literary genre, their theology, and their relation to the New Testament. In the commentary itself Terrien freshly elucidates the theological significance of these collected poems by putting readers in touch with the formal versatility and religious passion of the psalmists themselves. While Terrien always engages in scientific exegesis before drawing theological conclusions, he is careful to allow full expression to the theological and, especially, the doxological voice of these unmatched spiritual songs. The result is a commentary that provides a link between the archaic language of Psalms and the intellectual demands of modern thinking and spirituality.

    Throughout his exposition Terrien shows great respect for the scribal testimony of the Jewish tradition, especially the consonants of the Masoretic text. He likewise displays great care in finding the most accurate meaning for Hebrew words of obscure origin. This meticulous work renders a translation of Psalms more reliable than those of Terrien's predecessors. He also draws on many fruitful gains of structural analysis in discerning the strophic divisions within the Hebrew text. Often he finds unity of composition where earlier critics denied it. And for readers interested in specific aspects of translation and interpretation, Terrien has appended bibliographical lists of modern works on each psalm.

    ebook,Samuel Terrien,The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary),Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing,Bible readings, selections meditations,Biblical Commentary - Old Testament,Biblical concordances commentaries,Christianity Bibles Liturgy,Hebrew language,Hebrew poetry, Biblical,History and criticism,Metrics and rhythmics,Old Testament,Religion,Religion - Commentaries / Reference,Religion / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament,Religion / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament,Biblical Commentary - Old Testament,Religion - Commentaries / Reference,Bible,Commentaries,Hebrew language,Hebrew poetry, Biblical,History and criticism,Metrics and rhythmics,O.T,Psalms,Religion,Christianity Bibles Liturgy,Bible readings, selections meditations,Biblical concordances commentaries,Old Testament

    The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary) - edition by Samuel Terrien. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Psalms Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary).


    Product details

    • File Size 9129 KB
    • Print Length 971 pages
    • Publisher Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing (December 31, 2002)
    • Publication Date December 31, 2002
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
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